Sunday 12 February 2012

The Dystopia Story

Hey Soph!

You know that story we've been working on? Well, we need to meet up sometime to discuss it further. And I've thought up another storyline! When can you come round?

Luna x

Saturday 11 February 2012

From the currently bored mind of Luna May...

Hello again! I'm bored, and if I get bored for too long, my head explodes. So, sitting here on my dining room table (don't ask why) I just thought I'd give you a couple of Harry Potter facts. 1) The lowest earning Harry Potter film (Prisoner of Azkaban) still got £90 million more than the highest earning Twilight film 2) When suggested that Voldemort might be Harry's father, J.K. Rowling said "You lot have been watching too much Star Wars" 3) Snape hates Neville so much because if Neville had been the chosen one instead of Harry (the prophecy said that either of them could be the chosen one), then Lily Potter would still be alive 4) Robert Pattinson (hiss!) said that he would rather have played Cedric Diggory than Sparkly-fairy/'vampire' Edward. 5) Hermiones cat, Crookshanks, is part kneazle, a magical cat creature that has the ability to sniff out anyone suspicious. 6) There are 10 known species of dragon 7) Over 7,000 girls auditioned for the part of Lavendar Brown, Ron's love interest in the Half Blood Prince. 8) Richard Harris only took the part of Dumbledore, after his granddaughter threatened never to speak to him again. 9) A picture of Gandalf the Grey from Lord of the Rings can be seen hanging in Dumbledores office in The Chamber of Secrets. 10) In the credits of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, there is a note saying 'No dragons were harmed during the making of this film.' 11) Over 16,000 people auditioned for the role of Harry Potter. 12) On a online chat with fans, J.K. Rowling admitted that the third smell Hermione got from the Love Potion in Half Blood Prince was Ron Weasleys hair. 13) The Chinese Subtitles for Draco Malfoy's name are pronounced 'zhuai ge' which also means 'arrogant guy'. 14) The biggest animal brought on set was a hippo, and the smallest was a centipede. 15) During the scene where the horcrux version of Harry and Hermione were kissing, Rupert Grint was sent off set because he was laughing too much. Okay, I think thats it. My mind has been un-boredified now. See ya! Luna x

Friday 10 February 2012

Options is so very confusing...

I totally agree that options are confusing. Can't we just pick the ones we want without any limitations? I'm going to take English Bacalaureate (humanity and a language), and I want to take Art, but I'm debating between Drama and Music, and for the humanity side of things, History and Geography. Urgh! Hate Options! :(
Luna x

Separate Sciences

In reply to Luna's message, I want to say that I did get that separate sciences letter. It asked if I wanted to take all three science. I wish choosing options was a bit easier. Has anyone else got the letter? Or chosen their options yet?

Also, If you're publishing posts on the site, you need to join aswell so you are updated when others post.

This could turn into something big...

Hey everyone!
Luna here. Just to congratulate you Soph, what a great idea! This could be like a (excuse me for saying this.) private facebook. Oh, and I wanted to ask, have you got the Seperate Sciences letter from school yet?
Luna x


This is an experimental blog. I've made it so multiple people can join up. Of course, this is mainly for my friends from school to post and chat on, but everybody's welcome.
If you give me you email, I can send you and invite. Then you can put your own posts on. If you don't want to post, you can just become a member and read what others have written. Why not write in and "Join up" and we can see how successful this would be.

By the way, if you do become an author, please try to be relatively nice to each other. If you want to fight, do it in school.